
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ad Hoc rescheduled? Is Bruno covering her ass?

The Ad hoc convened by Councilpersons Jewitt, Crooks and Anderson against lone wolf Councilwoman Pat Workman has reportedly been rescheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 2, at the same time. It seems the new town mismanager may have screwed up big time when she passed out an update letter from Jackson Lewis LLP, the bottom feeding lawyers hired by the town to discredit the Quartzsite 10 police officers. Apparently, the lawyers did not mark the letter confidential, and neither did Interim Town Manager Laura Bruno before she handed it out to councilpersons in her office. Now, we hear Bruno has hired a private investigator to go after Workman and clear her own name. More than a little unethical on Bruno's part 'cause it's a clear conflict of interest to us uneducated folks.

Hey Mrs. not so genius after all, communications by the attorney need to be labeled that they're confidential or privileged. If the lawyer doesn't say so explicitly, how would the recipient know for sure. Nobody trusts your judgement since you screwed the school district in CA Mrs. Bruno. When Jackson Lewis (same law firm, same case) published their hit piece on the officers last summer, I mean report that the liars club says cleared the chief, it was the town manager who waived attorney/client privelege to disseminate it. So even if the clown council wants to argue that privelege exists with an attorney being paid with public money (which it doesn't) the precedent exists that the town manager is the responsible party. So sorry Laura.  Marty's opinion has proven wrong at nearly every turn, and Murry is a hack at best (whose compromised by his own ethical dilemma of being a partner at law with Bill Simms of the Risk Pool),so I'm just trying to help you here. You idiots are setting the town up for a defamation suit by Workman and I'll bet she's already shopping attorneys. Or perhaps, they are shopping her!

Lastly show us the penalty for violating attorney/client privilege, 'cause it aint a crime. Lawyers can get sanctioned, but the client can waive the privilege, even in the most unintended manner. It happens every day.

Oh, and before we forget, they've called a special meeting so that they can discuss their official position on Mayor Foster. Will they make the Risk Pool happy and minimalize loss? Or will they continue down the road of municipal destruction?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Ad Hoc again! This time it's Councilwoman Pat Workman.

Seems that the clown council is cranky that Workman is actually exercising her 1st Amendment rights to waive attorney client priveledge and speak to the constituents who put her into office. More money spent  on a political vendetta against the lone dissenting vote. The idiots who convened this farce have no ethics and two are usurpers of their office, seated illegally. There's nothing new under the desert sun in Q Ville.
AdHoc. Pat.Workman

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Quartzsite politics make Wall Street Journal!

QUARTZSITE, Ariz.—This tiny desert outpost is known for 70-degree winters, an annual gem show that draws thousands of visitors, and a nudist bookstore owner who conducts business in little more than flip-flops and a straw hat.
But these days, the town's most extraordinary feature is its politics.
An American flag sits atop Quartzsite Mountain in Quartzsite, Ariz. This tiny desert outpost is known for 70-degree winters, an annual gem show that draws millions of visitors, and a bookstore owner who conducts business in little more than flip-flops and a straw hat.
For months, officials in Quartzsite—which lies about halfway between Phoenix and Palm Springs, Calif., on Interstate 10—have so far refused to allow the mayor-elect to take office because he owes the town $2,200 in attorney's fees.
In late August, the town manager put the police chief on paid administrative leave pending an investigation over allegations involving a time sheet. A few days later, the town council suspended the town manager for undisclosed reasons—after the town's attorney filed a restraining order against the town council to stop it meeting.
The town manager said she couldn't comment on her suspension because "no one gave me a reason."
In September, the assistant town manager fired the police chief without consulting the town council, according to other town officials. Days later, the interim town manager reversed the chief's firing, and suspended the assistant town manager pending an investigation into an undisclosed matter. The assistant manager couldn't be reached for comment. On Tuesday, the town council voted to put the police chief back on the job.
"We're calling this the Twilight Zone in Quartzsite," said Ed Foster, the elected, but so far unseated, mayor who has filed a complaint in superior court to force the town to install him. Mr. Foster, 70 years old, began humming the music from the television show, and said, "Every day we get up and ask, 'What's going to happen today?'"
On Tuesday night, Mr. Foster's lawyer said an attorney hired by the town called to discuss a potential settlement deal that would include seating Mr. Foster as mayor. The deal hasn't been finalized yet, said his lawyer, Julie LaBenz. If a deal isn't reached, she said Mr. Foster will move ahead with a court hearing due next week.
The interim town manager, Laura Bruno, said Wednesday a lawyer for the town briefed the town council in closed session about Mr. Foster's case. Ms. Bruno said the council made no decision on a settlement deal, and would still have to vote to seat Mr. Foster. She said the intent of the attorney was "to open a line of communication with Mr. Foster's attorney."
The turmoil caught the attention of state and federal officials. The Arizona Department of Public Safety has investigated corruption complaints against town officials four times in the past two years and recently began a fifth probe of the police chief over the alleged false filing of a time sheet, a Department of Public Safety spokesman said. The chief, Jeff Gilbert, has denied any wrongdoing.
The attorney for La Paz County, which includes Quartzsite, said he asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate town officials for possible corruption. An FBI spokesman said he couldn't confirm or deny any probe.
The unrest boils down to a struggle between two groups: on one side, some current and former town leaders who say they are being targeted by activists who oppose development; on the other side, activists and the mayor-elect who claim city officials are hiding corruption and targeting them for criticizing town leaders. In interviews, the officials have denied the accusations.
The standoff has divided the town and set its residents on edge. "You just feel it's a powder keg in Quartzsite, and something is going to set it off," said Shelly Baker, recorder for La Paz County.
Isolated on the western edge of Arizona, Quartzsite was once a mining area and way station for travelers, later becoming popular with retirees for its mild winters. Its population jumps to 100,000 in the winter from 3,500 the rest of the year.
Political intrigue in the town dates back to at least 1995, when the then-mayor was convicted of hiring a hit man to try to kill his political rival. His conviction was overturned, and he was back in office six months later.
In 2005, Mr. Foster, a retired engineer for gum-maker Wrigley, moved to Quartzsite from Chicago and successfully ran for mayor in 2010 on a platform of financial transparency.
After he was elected, Mr. Foster asked state police to investigate the city's police chief, saying he improperly used vacation time. Mr. Gilbert countered by asking state officials to investigate Mr. Foster and his allies for allegedly manufacturing evidence against him. Town residents and former police employees have accused Mr. Gilbert of harassing, firing or arresting them due to their political views. Mr. Gilbert denies that and calls the accusations "a conspiracy against me" by some town officials and disgruntled employees who want to take control of the police department.
The state's attorney general has declined to prosecute anyone in Quartzsite as a result of state investigations because of insufficient evidence, a spokeswoman for the office said.
Last year, an ally of Mr. Foster's, Jennifer Jones, was arrested by Mr. Gilbert while speaking during a raucous town council meeting. Ms. Jones, who owns Furry Friends Pet Spa, has been arrested five times since she began running for town council in 2010. All of the charges were eventually dropped.
Ms. Jones, who runs a newspaper and website critical of the town and the police chief, said she is "livid" that the chief has been reinstated. "We feel betrayed," said Ms. Jones, who is suing the police chief and other town officials in federal court over her arrests. Ms. Jones says the chief harassed her and her husband because they were critical of him and his political allies. The chief denies the allegations and says his arrests of Ms. Jones and her husband had nothing to do with politics.
Opponents unseated Mr. Foster in a 2011 recall election. He fought the recall in court, lost and was ordered to pay the town $2,200 in attorney fees. He refused to pay.
This year, Mr. Foster ran a new campaign and was elected mayor in June. Town officials said he couldn't take office due to a local ordinance that bars anyone owing the town money from office. He says he shouldn't have to pay, as the town attorney shouldn't have appeared in court against him, and the ordinance exceeds state requirements. The attorney, who officials say is on sick leave, couldn't be reached for comment.
Some in Quartzsite say they see an end to the unrest. "Our town council is coming together and is really trying to work as a team to move things forward," said Ms. Bruno, the interim town manager.
Mr. Foster said even if he is seated, he will sue the town for its appointment of a chair and vice chair for council meetings, which he says weakens his power. "This fight's not over," he said Tuesday. The interim manager said the town has the right to appoint them.
Business owners just want the fighting to end before the busy winter season. "It's an embarrassment to our town," said Paul Winer, the nudist owner of Reader's Oasis bookstore.
—James Oberman contributed to this article. Write to Tamara Audi at
A version of this article appeared September 27, 2012, on page A8 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Small-Town Politics, All-Out War.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Say it isn't so, Mr. O

This is the face of a traitor.

Apparently, Pat Workman is the only member of the council that can't be bought. Quartzsite's rogue councilman Mark Orgeron seems to have pulled off his back room deal with scary Jerry and the neo cabal to swap Ms Graft for Chief Dilbert. After a three hour executive session with a new attorney, all but Workman voted to reinstate El Jeffe as supreme jack booted thug. Marty the Bagger, Graft and lil' Al were not in attendance at today's regularly scheduled meeting of the common council. Reportedly, Orgeron admonished the chief to stay out of politics.  Yeah, like that's going to work!

Gilbert is currently the subject of a DPS investigation for pulling a gun on the husband of local activist and publisher Jennifer Jones.

All of this comes on the heels of an unapproved $70,000 voter fraud investigation

and another scathing DPS report, not to mention the town's insurance provider having a meltdown and sending a notice to the town that they don't intend to extend current coverage  past the end of the year. At this rate, they'll be lucky they don't get cancelled sooner.

Orgeron had deceived Foster and Workman into putting him on their campaign signs and in their mailer, but threw the opposition party under the bus as soon as he was seated. He has now defaulted on his campaign promise to fire Gilbert. The angry villagers are already crying "RECALL"!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Will Orgeron's reckless politics jeopardize his day job?

It's been rumored that Quartzsite's newest councilman bought into the Education Options charter school franchise, and the higher the enrollment, the more money he stands to make. But parents I've spoken to are quickly losing both faith and patience with the excessive amount of time he is spending on politics instead of focusing on educating their children.

If parents start pulling their children out of Ed Options, and the charter school goes under, there's likely no going back to the public school system for Mr. O. A rift was created with the school board before he resigned to become "head of school" for Ed Options.

As the neo cabal mechanations become more bizarre with each council meeting, one has to wonder if Orgeron actually has a future in Q Ville or should move back in with his wife in Yuma. Maybe Jerry Lukkasson will take him in!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Qville's newest grifter sends lil Johnson home

With "new business" added to today's 2pm council agenda, the council returned from executive session to contract with California Board of Education scam artist Laura Bruno. This brilliant choice was engineered by rogue Councilman Mark Orgeron. Councilwoman Pat Workman was the only "nay" vote.

Her first act in office was to call the council to meet with her in and tell them she was putting Assistant clown manager Al Johnson on administrative leave. Johnson was spotted discussing something (hopefully not town business) with suspended clown manager Alex Taft at her new old residence behind Castor's Antiques around 5:30 tonight. The cabal canabal carnage continues.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gilbert gets canned!

Today, the Quartzsite fired Police Chief Jeff Gilbert. See official Town press release below.

Listen to what the attorney who incorporated Quartzsite has to say about the recent turn of events.

In other news, the council adjourned the remaining meeting agenda items until 2 pm tomorrow because the drawn out executive session to appoint an interim town manager did not go smoothly - judging by the looks on their faces when they came out of the back room anyway. The TRO and Show Cause hearings were dismissed this afternoon. Guess the Bagger couldn't 'splain his conficts of interest without risking the Burke would be etically required to file a BAR complaint against him.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Orgeron goes rogue agent

Despite campaining as a slate with Mayor Ed Foster and Pat Workman, recently seated Councilman Mark Orgeron has been seen spending an awful lot of time with Jerry Lukkasson at the Eatery. Reports indicate that Orgeron is not communicating with elected Mayor Ed Foster. Pat has been receiving communication from Mark, but so have Councilpersons Carol Kelley, Norma Crooks, and Pat Anderson apparently. At least Marty the Bagger seems to think so. He inferred they were holding secret meetings. Mike Jewitt seems to be Alex Taft's lapdog, 'cause he's voting against the "neo cabal".

A shocking Facebook comment surfaced last weekend from Councilman Orgeron to a former moderator of the Supporters of Mayor Edward Foster page. It was thought at first that Orgeron had allowed someone access to his facebook page, the same way that El Jeffy's wife had posted on Half Wit's FB page as "Dark Horse". However, when local activist Doug Gilford confronted Orgeron last week at the "Cruise In" down at the local Shell station, Orgeron took full credit for the following defamitory and liabelous statements:

"Welcome to my world! Living here in Quartzsite, I can tell you that you really don't know any of the players...Jennifer has been like this. She accepted money from a supporter here in town to help buy campaign material for Ed, Pat, and me (1,000.00)...she paid her personal bills with it. Richard will say what a good guy I am and then will call me names and insult me off the air...what a guy. I can say
about his wife, but I will not go there (maybe later).

Teri is a spiteful person that is two-faced and will stab her own mother in the back if the occasion occurred.
As for Ed, he REALLY does not want to take his position as mayor. If he does get there, he will not be able to pound his chest and say look at me. It works better if he does not get in. In fact, he was offered a place as a litigant on my suit for a couple thousand. A person present offered 1K and I said he had to make payments
to me until we got our money back (maybe 2 small payments). He declined saying he should not have to sue. The quo warranto is dead and has been dropped, but they are not putting that out there. I secured him an attorney that worked on my case to work on a contingency basis to take Ed to federal court....he denied the
help. He does not want the help or his position, he would rather have a pity party!
I can go on for days about their childish behavior.
As for Charles, the money is in the bank and the account is being closed out and paid out. Will misled the masses on his statement. Steve would confirm that, but the other side does not want to hear that. Steve had a conversation with Jennifer on the money. She knows the money is in the bank and not absconded or stolen...but, that story does not meet her needs.
I don't know what else to say except to stand by for heavy seas! I understand what you were saying about the different branches of service giving each other shit...I continue to do it today. Don't feel are in good company. We will stand tall and take their beatings, because I will not bow to them or say and do as they
want. I will do what is right and be happy with it. "

Now, the reformers don't trust him, and many wonder how long he can hold his new coalition together after several failed attempts at getting agenda items written that will accomplish their intent, coupled with a restraining order from the town to stop him from doing just that, and a letter from the Town's insurance that the coverage may be ending at the end of December because the town no longer has a favorable risk profile due to "factional disputes by the town council and resulting employment decisions."

We wish him luck. He'll need it. Tomorrow will be a reavealing sequence of events - another contentious council meeting filled with controversial items at 9 am, a hearing on the temporary restraining order filed by the town to stop the council at 3:30, followed by a show cause hearing an hour later for the contempt of court charge levied at Councilwom Workman for exercising her free speech about little Al.

Stay tuned for another exciting episode of "Only in Quartzsite"!