As temperatures rose past 80 degrees for the first time this year we were once again reminded of Town Manager Alex Taft's broken promise to provide the community with the "Quartzsite Activities Center and Pool" ("QAC").
The bumbling incumbents may be suffering from Willpower amnesia when they inked the "animal shelter" contract with the 501 (c) (3) at the March council meeting but the community has not forgotten the donations contributed to the Town Manager's charity,
In a Willpower Incorporated donation solicitation brochure circa 2007/2008, The "Quartzsite Activities Center and pool will be a multi-purpose place for fun and educational activities; crafts, theater arts, basketball, dance, cheerleading, yoga, quilting, after school programs, potlucks and more - activities to keep minds and bodies stimulated, happy and healthy." WOW! Who wouldn't want to donate for that? And donate they reportedly did. The QAC money kept rolling in from every side...and yet somehow Quartzsite has absolutely NOTHING to show for it.
Little QAC donation jars were everywhere and many residents openly speculate that as much as $50,000 or $60,000 was raised. As one woman stated "my late husband donated over a thousand dollars."
Last Wednesday night at the March 24th public hearing to discuss how to best utilize approximately $246,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds from the Arizona Dept. of Housing regional acct., many locals who do not normally attend these kind of meetings showed up to urge that the federal gift be used for a "community center". Was it because they had ALREADY donated towards and been promised one by the Town Manager seated before them?
When a public comment pointed out that if a community center was to be built with the CDBG grant money then the QAC money should be added to the pot ,Taft responded that the approximately $7,000 currently in the QAC fund was going to be turned over to Parks and Recreation. But Alex, THAT'S NOT WHAT THE MONEY WAS DONATED FOR! The PEOPLE wanted a pool! (And still do.) Oh well, what else would you expect from our current leadership...
Only $7,000 Alex? I think that everyone who donated should contact the AZ Corporations Commission if they believe there may be a discrepancy. The tax returns can be printed off for everyone's viewing pleasure at this web address:
Sadly, at present, the closest thing to a community pool that Quartzsite has experienced is the "lake" that formed on Town Council candidate Chaunce Hamilton's property in September of '09.
And the internet footprints of Taft's Willpower Inc have mysteriously disappeared, like this link:
that was discovered archived here, from April of 2007:
There will be one more public meeting to discuss whether this grant should be spent on infrastructure, or a community center. I suggest that EVERYONE who donated to QAC attend...
There will be one more public meeting to discuss whether this grant should be spent on infrastructure, or a community center. I suggest that EVERYONE who donated to QAC attend...