
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Justice is served - Roth's conviction is overturned!

The Desert Freedom Press reports that Mike Roth's 2010 conviction for "disorderly conduct" has been overturned by the Appeals Court. Congratulations Mikey! Now that's a holiday gift that's truly priceless.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vederman concurrs with AG on Open Meeting violations

Sure he agrees, after all, who's going to disagree with the Attorney General. But what did Sam do about it back then? He admonished the town council. And the council kept right on breaking the law because there was no repercussions. Just like they're going to do again because Tom Horne is clearly not tough on corruption. With Brewer likely facing recall, AG Horne could make an example of Quartzsite and take the Governor's Mansion, but no. Clearly, he's almost as big an old softie as spineless Sam Vederman.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Quartzsite--Bankruptcy Bomb Town Hall Meeting

Please Forward to Your Friends and Family in La Paz County

Dear Quartzsite Taxpayer:

The Arizona chapter of Americans for Prosperity welcomes all taxpayers, tea partiers, and other concerned citizens from La Paz County (and beyond) to participate in our “Feet to the Fire” Taxpayer Town Hall in Quartzsite on Friday, December 16. Event details below.

The topic of the town hall will be America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb, a theme we have borrowed from the title of an important new book by entitlements policy analyst Peter Ferrara. We will spend the first hour talking about federal tax and budget issues, and the second hour talking about state and local tax and budget issues--including Gov. Jan Brewer's attempt to set up an ObamaCare/PPACA health insurance exchange ( Pasted below is more information about the Bankruptcy Bomb town halls. The town halls are FREE of charge, but we urge you to go to the eventbrite links below and register.

The Bankruptcy Bomb is the Biggest Fiscal Issue Facing Our Country.

Take our quick poll on solving America's fiscal crisis:

If America does not get a grip on its finances soon, the next generation will have to close to $150 trillion in additional taxes over the next 75 years just to balance the nation’s books. On average, that’s over $30,000 a year in extra taxes for 50 working years for every child in the US currently under the age of 18. If America does not get government spending under control, those economy-crushing taxes will have to be paid one way or another: either through actual tax levies or through massive currency devaluations of the kind that plague Third World nations.

The only realistic long-term plan in Congress is Rep. Paul Ryan’s Road Map for America’s Future. The Road Map is a long-term proposal to stabilize federal spending at a sustainable level, keep our promises to Social Security and Medicare recipients who are too old to escape those systems, and allow younger Americans to escape from dependence on government retirement and health care subsidies. In many ways, the Road Map is an agenda for the promotion of freedom, but on the fiscal front, its objective is to create the economic growth and the budget surpluses necessary to pay down our debt and to fund the long-term transition away from inherently bankrupt systems of government-centered retirement and health care.

AFP-Arizona does not agree 100 percent with all of the elements of the Road Map plan. But we do believe that the Road Map must be the starting point for serious bipartisan and multi-generational discussions about the fiscal future of this country. Our Taxpayer Town Hall series is designed to begin that discussion in earnest. We welcome the participation of our federal and state elected officials, but our invitation carries with it a stern warning: We expect them to keep this country from going bankrupt, and we will hold their Feet to the Fire!

December 16, 2011 -- Quartzsite                 

Location: Casa Del Sol Community Center, 400 W. Main St., Quartzsite, AZ
Day/Time of Town Hall: Friday, December 16, 3:00 to 5:00 pm
Legislators Attending: TBA      
Policy Speakers: Tom Jenney, Director, AFP-Arizona; Alan Korwin, Author
Political Districts: CD 2, LD 3 (old maps)
Registration & Directions:

For questions about the town halls, contact AFP-Arizona grassroots coordinator Judy Hoelscher at (623) 465-4767 /

Invitation to Elected Officials and Candidates

AFP-Arizona welcomes federal, state and local officials and candidates to participate. We will recognize elected officials and candidates, and encourage town hall attendees to ask them questions. But we advise officials and candidates to remember that this is a Feet to the Fire town hall, and to be prepared to answer some tough questions. At this link, we have posted a few of those questions:

Preparing for AFP-Arizona’s Taxpayer Town Halls

No advance preparation is necessary, but we recommend that taxpayers, tea partiers, and other concerned citizens obtain copies of America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb, an important new book by policy analyst Peter Ferrara:

A short summary of the long-term Road Map for America’s Future plan is provided here:

To prepare for the discussion of state and local policy, we recommend that participants read Chapter 8 (on “Failed States”) in the Ferrara book.

For Liberty, Tom

Tom Jenney
Arizona Director
Americans for Prosperity
(602) 478-0146

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Horne: Quartzsite violated opening meetings law

Posted: Dec 13, 2011 1:03 PM Updated: Dec 13, 2011 1:13 PM

By Phil Benson - email

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne


The Quartzsite Town Council violated Arizona's Open Meeting Laws in connection with the conduct of meetings and dealings with a member of the public, Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne said Tuesday.

Horne cited four alleged violations in a letter to the Quartzsite town attorney:

* June 28: While addressing the council, Quartzsite resident Jennifer Jones was removed from the meeting by a vote of the council, Horne said. She had turned her back on the council and was addressing the audience, which the council reasonably could object to, he said. Public bodies can eject members of the public for disruptive conduct, but they must first give a warning, which the council failed to do, Horne said.

* July 10: The Council convened an emergency meeting at the Town Hall to discuss disruptions during previous meetings. The Council locked the doors to the meeting room and did not allow any member of the public to attend its meeting, Horne said. Excluding the public from the meeting violated the Open Meeting Law, Horne said.

* Dec. 9: In a related violation, the Attorney General said the Council did not fully comply with the posting requirements for emergency meetings. Horne said as of Dec. 9, the minutes of the emergency meeting were not posted on the town's website.

* The final violation involved the failure to comply with posting requirements for notices and minutes, Horne said. The council did not post minutes for the July 10 emergency meeting, according to Horne. The council also failed to post minutes for a number of its meetings labeled as "work sessions," Horne said.

Horne said he was making several recommendations. He wanted the council to discuss his concerns with its legal counsel in open session during a properly noticed public meeting.

He recommended each member of the council and staff to take part in a training session with counsel from the League of Arizona Cities and Towns, regarding the requirements of the Open Meeting Laws.

And he wanted the council to be subject to oversight by the Attorney General's Office for 12 months.

Copyright 2011 KPHO. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Jennifer Jones arrested in Quartzsite Post Office!

The Desert Freedom Press Publisher Jennifer Jones was arrested Friday afternoon in the Quartzsite Post Office by Sergeant Xavier Frausto and Police Chief Jeff Gilbert. Jones states that she repeatedly asked them what the charge was, but they refused to tell her.  Later, she finally learned that she had been charged with felony witness tampering, over an unsubstantiated allegation made by a woman named Denise Florian.

Florian, who admits to having a drug and alchohol problem moved to Quartzsite over the summer and was almost immediately appointed to the town personnel board to oversee the appeal hearings of the Quartzsite police officers wrongfully terminated over the summer. She was subsequently appointed to the town Health and Development Board which then made recommendations to the council about how much money to give the Senior Center, Museum, and Chamber of Commerce.

According to Jones, Florian had assaulted her in a severly drunken state a few weeks earlier at a local restaurant. For obvious reasons, the Jones did not call the police as Jennifer was not injured and the police have not protected them in the past.

In a video conferenced appearance, Judge Karen Slaughter set Jones ' bail at $10,000 Because she had a statement from Florian claiming to be in fear for her life. Jones states that she reminded Judge Slaughter that bail was only to assure your appearance and that tha Constitution prohibited excessive bail, but Slaughter told her that if she didn't like it, she could wait in jail until they found her another judge. Slaughter made headlines for another controversial ruling this summer when she ordered Republican Precinct Committeman Michael Roth's guns taken away for calling Councilman "Machine Gun Joe" Winslow a "turd".

Jones made bail Saturday evening and states that an official press release would be forthcoming. Just remember, you heard it here first!