
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Prutch prevails - in a nutshell


If you don't understand "legalese", then here's what the 14 page ruling actually means.

First Judge Burke the jerk ruled incorrectly, in favor of the Quartzsite cabal again. Remember, he didn't want to hear the case because he was leaving for vacation in the morning and didn't want to stay up writing the ruling

The case was dismissed on "laches" and the appeals court rightfully determined that laches did not apply. "Because the trial court did not find that Prutch had acted unreasonably, and we cannot infer such a finding from this record, we vacate the dismissal based on laches and remand for further proceedings.", says the ruling

"Remand" means the case must be heard on it's merits back in the La Paz County Superior Court. Prutch has stated that he's not interested in trying the case, and has apparently instructed his attorney to negotiate a settlement with the town that has Jewitt resign and the Town pay Prutch's legal fees. Prutch is entitled to receive his attorney's fees for the appeal, but barring a settlement, he must win the actual case to get his money back on the election challenge.

If the case is settled out of court, the crimes of Town Clerk Terry Frausto could go untried and unpunished. 


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Playing the game under the new rules

Well, it appears that crafty Mayor Ed has set a trap, which Jabba the Ogre-on was more than happy to run right into! Foster sent a letter to various government agencies on town letterhead, and hand signed each copy differently. It was only a matter of days before crybaby Ogre-on was wailing that he had a copy of  the letter, from an "anonymous" source of course. Little did he know that by providing a copy of the letter, Orgre-on himself would reveal which agency was leaking information back to the town. 

Now, El Jeffy has bragged that he has friends in high places, so we hope the FBI will follow up on Foster's latest letter, also on town letterhead, of course. In the mean time, council members, some of whom are being recalled are revealing that political vendettas take priority over guarding the people's money. If Foster's answer (expected to be on town letterhead) to their demand is not to the council's liking, and they decide to charge him criminally for violating their ridiculous ordinance, then the town will have to pay for a conflict attorney, possibly a new judge, and public defender.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stuck with Police Chief Jeff Gilbert another year?

Well, I hate to disappoint all those Ogre-on believers but campaign promises of getting rid of the police chief, followed by a post swearing in "just trust me" is going to go down tomorrow like this:

Someone makes a motion to not renew El Jeffy's contract, someone seconds, virtually no discussion ensues because they already decided in last week's executive session, and they all vote to turn their back on Jesus, I mean Jeff, I mean, well both, or one and the same depending on whether or not you've lost all faith or you're one of the donut disciples from "Coffee with the Nazi".

But how much you want to bet they all downplay the part about how the last incarnation of the clown council gave Chief Dilbert a rolling clause in his contract that guarantees him another year. We're stuck with the source of our lawsuits into 2014, or until AZPOST de-certifies him, or he's indicted for abusing the NCIC, or a bolt of lightning strikes him down...

That's right children, there's no happy ending to this bed time story. So the Ogre-on's promise that the neo cabal could trade donkey for the evil Queen Taftalex last summer, then choose not to renew donkey's contract and Far Far Away could live happily ever after was just a fairy tale. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Insuring the uninsurable

Well, in the style of our "fiscal cliff" federal representative governing, the interim town mismanager  pulled a rabbit our of her hat and produced private insurance coverage for Quartzsite. However, of the 19 companies she asked for a quote from, 17 of them said "no way in hell"! Of the 2 who would, coverage was apparently split between them. The big difference (aside from the 310,000 price tag) is that the new insurance won't cover the cost of defending future claim - that's on the town now!

See video.